Anritsu VNA Analyzers

No matter what your application, Anritsu has your VNA needs covered by offering a variety of solutions to suit your application. The VectorStar™ vector network analyzer family offers a frequency range from 70 kHz to 220 GHz. The ShockLine™ vector network analyzer family offers support from 50 kHz to 43.5 GHz, with an E-band unit that supports 55 to 92 GHz.
- 2-port USB VNA systems deliver phase synchronized measurements up to 100 meters, improves dynamic range, measurement stability of s-parameter measurements, 8, 20, and 43.5 GHz.
- The ShockLine™ ME7868A/ME7869A system is the first distributed, fully reversing 2-port VNA solution that provides guaranteed performance from 1 MHz to 43.5 GHz by utilizing Anritsu’s Extended-K™ components. Powered by the revolutionary PhaseLync™ technology, it enables engineers to synchronize two portable ShockLine MS46131A VNAs and connect them directly to a DUT to conduct vector transmission measurements at distances up to 100 meters. Whether in a manufacturing, engineering, or education environment, this solution simplifies long-distance S-parameter measurements and VNA test system integration by removing the need to utilize conventional benchtop VNAs with long cable runs, which eliminates insertion loss, improves measurement stability, and lowers setup costs.
The ShockLineTM MS46131A series consists of three modular, PC-controlled 1-port vector network analyzers (VNAs) with frequency ranges from 1 MHz to 8/20/43.5 GHz. Anritsu’s patented nonlinear transmission line (NLTL) technology VNA-on-chip technology simplifies the internal VNA architecture, reducing the size and cost of the instrument while enhancing accuracy and measurement repeatability. The ShockLine MS46131A series is small and portable enough to bring the VNA port to the device under test (DUT), improving measurement stability and simplifying test configuration by eliminating test port cables.
The ShockLine MS46131A series is ideally suited for 1-port RF and microwave applications in engineering, manufacturing, and education. All three VNA models have fast sweep speed and excellent corrected directivity making them suitable for a variety of 1-port device test applications including measuring passive 5G mmWave components.
Vector=Star ME7838
The VectorStar ME7838 broadband series system provides high performance in a compact mmWave module utilizing the Anritsu Nonlinear Transmission Line (NLTL) technology, with system coverage from 70 kHz to 110, 125, 145, and 220 GHz. The ME7838 series is the only broadband system with positive raw directivity in multiple bands. The result is better calibration and measurement stability with significantly longer time between calibrations for accurate measurements and improved productivity.
The VectorStar ME7838 VNA series delivers 109 dB dynamic range at 110 GHz, 102 dB at 220 GHz and excellent noise floor performance for high-sensitivity measurements across the entire sweep range. Stable broadband performance means you can make high-accuracy measurements all day, with the confidence that your calibration remains rock solid! Spend less time calibrating and more time measuring.